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Astro Mundi
Teaching Astrology
Astro Mundi offers astrological education to the beginner and the professional with an emphasis on astrological excellence. Courses are provided through structured classes and workshops for the attending student. A Distance Education option is also available for all courses. Astro Mundi offers the student Astrological education with professionally qualified and experienced astrological educators who are active in the astrological community locally, nationally and internationally. Astro Mundi's principals are Mari Garcia and Joy Usher - professional astrologers who have a commitment to astrological education.
Address First Floor 310 South Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
Phone (08) 8563 9182, 1800 003 517
Category Astrology
Services area Adelaide, SA 5000;
Opening hours By Appointment. Ring for dates and times of courses.
Payment options Cheque, Direct Deposit, Mastercard, MoneyOrder, PayPal, Visa
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